Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
 City Manager's Office - Planning Board Appointment  (pp. 383-388)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution appointing one (1) member to the Planning Board.  The Board shall consist of seven (7) members serving staggered terms of four years commencing January 1 and expiring December 31, with at least one member residing in each Zone within the City and one at-large member.  Must be qualified electors in the City and hold no other City office.  The membership term of James Newman (Zone 3) expired on December 31, 2018 and Mr. Newman would like to continue to serve.


Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.

Recommendation:  Commission Action.

Action:  Motion to adopt the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
City Manager Memo