Resolution amending Resolution No. 18-325, which adopted the FY 2018/19 budget, in order to increase revenues by $4,038,967, operating expenditures by $2,549,205, and transfers and capital projects by $1,489,762. This budget amendment increases funding for the Jimmy Ann Repaving project, establishes funding for the City Island Rec Center Rehab project, rolls forward available bike week funds and a donation received in FY 2017/18, increases the transfer to the Cultural Services Fund, adjusts the Appropriation of Fund Balance and the budgeted current year revenues in the trust and impact fee funds, increases the transfer from the Transportation 5Cent Fund to the 2010 Capital Improvement Revenue Note Fund, and rolls forward funds in the Water and Sewer Fund for a vehicle ordered but not delivered in FY 2017/18.
Recommendation: Budget Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.