Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
Utilities Department - Utility Service Co., Inc., SUEZ Advanced Solutions - Sole Source Contract Approval  (pp. 51-81)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving a sole source contract with Utility Service Co., SUEZ Advanced Solutions, 1230 Peachtree St NE, Suite 1100, Atlanta, GA 30309 for potable water distribution system cleaning with the following provisions:


  • Authorize the terms of the contract to be three years with two one-year options to renew;
  • Authorize the City Manager to spend up to $120,000 in FY2019; and
  • Authorize the City Manager to renew the contract annually and expend such sums as budgeted each year.


Over time, the potable water distribution system develops a build-up of biofilm and other soft deposits that can impact water quality.  Ice Pigging is a method to effectively clean pipes without damaging the pipe and appurtenances as other pigging methods can.  Standard pigging utilizes a rigid object that is pushed through the pipe by a large amount of water.  The hard pig can get stuck in the pipe and by virtue of its unpliable nature, it is not able to clean around appurtenances protruding into the pipe.  During ice pigging, an ice slurry is pushed through the pipe and naturally flows and scrubs around cracks, crevices, and protrusions in the pipes and does not rely on large amounts of water nor is there a possibility of the ice causing an obstruction.   In addition, excavation is required when utilizing a rigid pig but ice pigging enters through a hydrant or a tap.  The department utilized this method in January 2018 and confirmed that Ice Pigging uses significantly less water during the cleaning period and appears to clean more thoroughly than other cleaning methods.  Furthermore, this method lessened downtime of the system and ensures available water to our customers in a timely manner.  The pipe lines to be cleaned in the first contract year are:

Tournament Drive (LPGA to Champion Middle School)   5,100 LF
Thames Avenue  1,000 LF
Halifax Avenue N (Seabreeze Blvd to University Blvd)    2,350 LF
S. Peninsula Blvd. (Ames Lane to Thames Avenue)  3,850 LF
Wisteria Rd and Ocean Dunes Terrace  2,270 LF

 Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.


Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution. 

Agenda Summary
Memo - City Manager
Sole Source Letter
Sufficiency of Funds