Resolution awarding a Construction Contract to the lowest responsive bidder, Saboungi Construction Inc., 290A North Highway 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174 in the amount of $94,842 for the Bethune Point Observation Pier to repair damages to the piling and boardwalk caused by Hurricane Irma. The pier abruptly lifted as result of the storm surge generated during the Hurricane, destroying components of the pier. Since this damage occurred during Hurricane Irma the project is potentially eligible for 75% ($71,131.50) cost share from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and an additional 12.5% ($11,855.25) cost share from the State of Florida.
Funds in the amount of $82,986.75 is available in the FEMA – Hurricane Irma Fund and $11,855.25 in the General Fund.
Recommendation: Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.