Resolution approving the Contract with Astro Turf Company to supply and install the new Synthetic Turf at Jackie Robinson Ball Park in the amount of $938,391 and authorizing the City Manager to execute any documents or agreements needed to implement the project, including as applicable a site access agreement with Tortugas Baseball, LLC.
Minor League Baseball (MiLB) requires teams, pursuant to MiLB Rule 58 to provide a field surface without defects and or trip hazards that could affect the normal play of the game or jeopardize the player safety. The synthetic turf replacement will bring the existing field up to MiLB standards and address safety concerns.
Pricing for this contract is from the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Cooperative Purchasing Contract No. 06058-AST. Jackie Robinson Ballpark is leased to the Daytona Tortugas. The Tortugas are aware of the project and have informally agreed to provide access. Funds available in the Grants Project Fund ($355,000) and in the Capital Projects Fund ($583,391).
Recommendation: Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.