Resolution ratifying an emergency expenditure with Hazen Construction, LLC, 1599 Tionia Road, New Smyrna Beach, Florida 32168 for the Clyde Morris Blvd/Dunn Avenue Manhole Replacement Contract with a final contract amount of $583,787.10. This request is needed to fully comply with City Purchasing Code Section 30-52(b) Emergency Purchases for the selection of a Contractor.
The Contract was estimated at a not-to-exceed fee of $350,000. Before construction commenced but after the Contract was executed, final approval by FDOT and Volusia County was required. The County required the Contractor to open cut across Dunn Avenue during night-time hours to bury multiple bypass pumping lines to ensure the roadway would be kept open during construction. This work was not included in the Contract and was not included in the original cost proposal. Additionally, during the manhole replacement, a 16-inch force main that discharges into the manhole was found to be crumbling due to deterioration from sewage gas. The 16-inch force main had to be replaced across Clyde Morris Blvd during night-time hours. Additional time and compensation was required for these activities resulting in a total project cost of $583,787.10. Funds available in the Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.