Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
Utilities Department - Sensus Omni Meters - Core & Main - Sole Source - Standardization (pp. 119-127)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving a purchase order with Core & Main, 590 Ferguson Drive, Orlando, Florida 32805 in the lump sum amount of $71,466.43 for the purchase of five Sensus Omni F2 fire line water meters.  This request is needed to purchase three 8-inch and two 10-inch Sensus Omni F2 fire line water meters to be installed on new fire lines for four developments within the City of Daytona Beach.  The City's Utilities Department has standardized our system by using Sensus water meters.  Core & Main is the exclusive Authorized Distributor of Sensus products for the State of Florida.  Sole source procurement is expressly authorized under Section 30-55 (b) where standardization is likely to reduce financial investment or simplify administration.  Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.


Recommendation:  Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
Memo to City Manager
Core & Main Quote
Sensus, USA Sole Source Letter
Sufficiency of Funds