Resolution approving the purchase of four (4) pieces of replacement construction equipment from the Florida Sheriff's Association Bid FSA18-VEH16.0, Specification No.23, No.31, No.41, and No.60 with options from Ring Power Corporation, 500 World Commerce Parkway, St. Augustine, FL 32092 33871 in the amount of $238,731, after net of trade-ins of $10,000. The purpose of this item is to purchase replacement construction equipment for Public Works and Public Utilities as follows:
Public Works - Streets
- Caterpillar 304E2 SR Mini Hydraulic Excavator - $63,544
Utilities - Water Distribution
- Caterpillar 289D Compact Track Loader - $64,538
- Caterpillar TL642 Telehandler & Trailer - $110,649
Fund available in the General Fund in the amount of $63,544 and the Water and Sewer Fund in the amount of $175, 187.
Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Manager recommends adoption of the Resolution.