Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
Finance/Information Technology - AT&T Mobility - FirstNet Program - Wireless Cellular Data for Public Safety  (pp.78-109)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving the participation in the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) program and purchase of FirstNet compatible devices and services from AT&T.  AT&T Mobility National Accounts LLC (AT&T) has been selected by FirstNet as primary contractor.  FirstNet is a nationwide communications platform dedicated to public safety.  Signed into law on February 22, 2012, the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act created FirstNet. The law gives FirstNet the duty to build, operate and maintain the first high-speed, nationwide, wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety.  FirstNet will provide a single interoperable platform for public safety communications and provide reduced costs for services.  FirstNet is expected to provide public safety entities with mission critical broadband data capabilities while ensuring quality of service, connection priority, and preemption.  Purchasing of FirstNet compatible devices and services from AT&T is pursuant to the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA) Wireless Communications Services and Equipment Bid RFP Contract No.1907 (Master Service Agreement) dated March 15, 2012, and extended to June 30, 2019 by amendment No.1, dated April 29, 2014.  Purchases further subject to the Palm Beach County Participating Addendum (PBCPA) dated October 23, 2012 and amended March 16, 2018 Under The NASPO Valuepoint Wireless Communications Services and Equipment (formerly known as “WSCA” or “WSCA-NASPO”) Bid No.1907.  Section 3 of the PBCPA designates all government entities within Florida as authorized Participating Entities under the Agreement. 


The City currently subscribes to 270 AT&T unlimited cellular data plans in support of the Police and Fire Departments, at a per-unit, per-month cost of $39.99 (plus fees) totaling $140,065 annually.  Adoption of AT&T FirstNet, pursuant to the PBCPA, reduces the expenditure to $34.99 per-unit, per-month (plus fees), as detailed on the PBCPA Amendment, table 3.1.4, to a projected annual total of $123,087, a yearly savings of $16,978.  This request also includes authorization for the City Manager to expend funds for AT&T and FirstNet services in future years, subject to budget approvals.  Funds available in the Information Technology Fund.


Recommendation:  Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.


Agenda Summary
FirstNet - Memo to City Manager
FirstNet - Pricing Proposal
WSCA Master Services Agreement
Amend to WSCA MSA
Palm Beach Participating Addendum-102312
Palm Beach Amend to Participating Addendum-031618
FirstNet - Backup Material
FirstNet - Sufficiency of Funds Certificate