Resolution authorizing a purchase from Barney’s Pumps Inc., P.O. Box 56170, Jacksonville, FL 32241-6170, in the amount of $70,590 for two influent pumps for the Bethune Point Water Reclamation Facility. The Bethune Point Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) utilizes three centrifugal pumps in parallel to move raw sewage from the influent wetwell to the treatment process. This purchase would replace one pump that has reached the end of its useful life and will provide a spare pump for emergencies or should any of the three pumps fail. Sole Source is being requested as Barney’s Pumps is the sole distributor for Aurora Pumps. Aurora Pumps is the original pump manufacturer and the only pump that will bolt to the existing infrastructure without major structural modifications. Funds available in the Renewal & Replacement 5% Fund.
Recommendation: Utilities Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.