Resolution approving the purchase 25 body worn cameras (BWC), with associated equipment and services, and approving a five year agreement with Axon Enterprise Inc., formerly known as Taser International Inc., 17800 N. 85th St., Scottsdale, Arizona 85255. The new agreement will supersede an existing agreement with Axon pertaining to the Police Department's 190 unit BWC program. The proposed five year agreement will have an effective date of October 1, 2018 and will govern the new BWC total of 215 units and includes: software licensing, data storage, and Taser Assurance Plans (TAP). An initial payment of $138,627.40 is due upon the effective date and is the total amount to be encumbered for this purpose during fiscal year 2019. The initial payment includes a credit of $100,688.60, which the City paid to Axon during fiscal year 2018, but which will not have been consumed under the existing agreement as of the effective date. Payments for years 2 through 5 for software licensing, data storage, and TAP will be due annually in the amount of $239,316, an increase of $88,284 per year over the current annual obligation of $151,032. The increase is due to adding cameras, and to the adoption of an unlimited data storage plan for all BWC users.
This purchase is considered sole source, since the City has standardized on the Axon BWC program pursuant to four previous agreements approved by Resolutions 13-142, 14-269, 15-247, and 17-41. It is requested that the City Manager be authorize to expend funds for annually recurring payments; providing sufficient funds are available. Funding for FY 2019, subject to budgetary approval, is available in the Information Technology Fund and the Federal Shared Property Forfeiture Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Offcier recommends adoption of the Resolution.