Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:

Utilities Department - Florida Design Contractors, Inc. - Final Reconciliation Agreement  (pp. 73-113)

Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving a Final Reconciliation Agreement with Florida Design Contractors, Inc., for the Demonstration Testing System to Purify Reuse Effluent at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WRWRF) Project under Contract No. 0317-0300 and authorizing the City Manager and City Clerk to execute the Final Reconciliation Agreement with the following stipulations:


  • Approve May 28, 2018, as the final completion date

  • Approve April 13, 2018, as the substantial completion date and start of the warranty period

  • Approve the final adjusted contract price of $3,157,703.68

  • Approve a final payment of $157,885.18 due under the contract, which is the remaining retainage


Resolution 17-53 was adopted by City Commission on March 1, 2017, accepting Florida Design Contractors, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $3,117,500 for the construction of the Demonstration Testing System to Purify Reuse Effluent at the Westside Regional Water Reclamation Facility (WRWRF) Project.  Change Order No. 1 was approved in August 2018 by the City Manager (authorized by Section 30-142 (a) and Section 30-143 (a) of the Purchasing Code) in the amount of $40,203.68 for the installation of additional appurtenances, sensors, 6-month chemical supply, chemical coatings, and other facility enhancements, and a time extension of 60 days.  No additional funds are required for this request.


Recommendation:  Utilities Director Recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
Memo to City Manager
Consent of Surety
Resolution 17-53
Change Order No. 1
Final Reconciliation Agreement