Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
Finance Department/Information Technology Division - Innovyze Inc - Innovyze InfoSWMM Wastewater Modeling Software License and Software Maintenance - Purchase  (pp. 252-266)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving the purchase of a floating license of Innovyze InfoSWMM Wastewater Collection System software, including 10,000 links, and the first year of software maintenance from Vendor No. 101285, Innovyze Inc., 6720 SW Macadam Ave. Suite 150, Portland OR 97219, in the amount of $29,380.  Carollo Engineers Inc. was chosen as the City’s Engineering Consultant for developing a Wastewater Master Plan pursuant to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 0418-0680.  Carollo Engineers recommends the City implement InfoSWMM as its wastewater hydraulic software for modeling gravity sewer and force main networks.  The City already owns a license to InfoWater; a similar software used for modeling potable water systems, which is made by the same company as InfoSWMM.  Efficiencies are expected to be gained from staff training on and using similar software to model water and wastewater.  Funds available in Water and Sewer Renewal and Replacement 8% Fund.


Recommendation:  Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
Innovyze Purchase of InfoSWMM Manager Memo
Quote 180756701 Daytona Beach FL, City of
Carollo Engineers Recommendation for InfoSWMM
Sole Source Letter
City of Daytona Beach Maintenance Agreement Addendum 20180822
Innovyze Purchase of InfoSWMM Sufficiency of Funds Certificate