Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
City Manager's Office - Economic Development Advisory Board - Appointments  (pp. 779-790)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution appointing three (3) members to the Economic Development Advisory Board. The membership terms of Larry McDermott, Carol Kilian and Colleen Calnan have expired. The board shall consist of ten (10) members with seven (7) of those to be registered electors of the City and recommended by the City Manager and appointed by the City Commission. These seven (7) members shall be building contractors (BC), developers (D), members of financial institutions (FI), members of educational institutions (EI), members of cultural institutions (CI), business (B) and industrial representatives (IR). In addition there shall be appointed one ex-officio member who shall represent Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation (TVEDC); one ex-officio member shall represent the Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce; and one ex-officio member who shall represent the County of Volusia. The ex-officio members shall not be entitled to vote. Ms. Kilian and Mr. McDermott would like to be reappointed and we have two additional applications: Thomas Blawn and  Christos Mavronas.


Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.


Recommendation:  Commission action.

Action:  Motion to adopt the Resolution.


Agenda Summary
Memo to the City Manager