Resolution awarding General Services Contract No. 0118-0590 to American Janitorial, Inc., 87 North Central Avenue, Umatilla, FL 32784 in the amount of $52,380.79 for remainder of Fiscal Year 2017/2018 (June 16th through September 30th), based on the submitted Fee Schedule for a three (3) year term of $538,773.84 or $179,591.28 annually and authorizing the City Manager to exercise the option to renew the contract for up to two (2) terms of one (1) year each in the amount of $179,591.28 annually. They will provide complete custodial services at various City of Daytona Beach properties, more specifically identified as City Hall, Public Works Complex, Police Headquarters, Police Holding Cells, Utilities Wastewater Administration, Utilities Environmental Laboratory, Utilities Central Maintenance Building, Utilities Water Plant - Administration Building Only, Utilities W/WW Inspectors Building, Utilities Marion Street Complex, Utilities Bethune Point Complex, Utilities Engineering and Administration, Fire Department Administration, and Pro Shop. Service specifics referenced in contract under Exhibit A: Scope of Services.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.