Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
Public Works/Administration Department - Southern Sunshine Group, Inc. - Landscape Maintenance Contract - Lowest Responsive Bid  (pp. 90-117)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution awarding a Landscape Maintenance Contract to the Lowest Responsive Bidder, Southern Sunshine Group, Inc., 1100 Radford Drive, Deltona, FL 32738 in the amount of $78,196.60 for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2017/2018, based on the submitted Fee Schedule for a three (3) year term of $369,344.52 or $123,114.84 annually and authorizing the City Manager to exercise the option to renew the contract for up to two (2) terms of one (1) year each in the amount of $123,114.84 annually. 


Southern Sunshine Group, Inc. will provide landscape maintenance at various city properties in the mainland area of Daytona Beach, more specifically identified as the Dickerson Center, Yvonne Scarlet Golden Cultural & Educational Center, Midtown Cultural and Educational Center, Joe Harris Park, and Samuel L. Butts Park. Scope of work shall include, but is not limited to, mowing, edging, pruning, weeding, trash/litter removal, irrigation service, fertilization and pest control, mulching as needed, tree trimming and turn maintenance.  Funds available in the General Fund.


Recommendation:  Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.


Agenda Summary
City Manager Memo
Bid Tab
Bid Reconciliation
Budget Proof
Bid Recap