Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:

Utilities Department - Nalco Company, SNF Polydyne Inc. and Hawkins Inc. - Wastewater Plant Polymer - Pre-Qualified Short List Approval

(pp. 35-39)

Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving Nalco Company, SNF Polydyne Inc. and Hawkins Inc. as pre-qualified bidders for the purchase of Polymer in accordance with Section 30-84(5) of the Purchasing Code and authorizing the City Manager to solicit competitive bids from the approved qualified vendors in accordance with Section 30-84(5) of the Purchasing Code.  The City uses polymer to dewater wastewater sludge to reduce the volume and weight of sludge before transporting and disposing in a qualified FDEP land fill.  The reduction of weight relative to the extraction of water allows the City to dispose of more sludge at a lower cost.  Polymer supplied by Fort Bend, Nalco, SNF Polydyne and Hawkins were tested extensively by the City.  The results of the tests concluded that three of the vendors met or exceeded the City’s test parameters for Polymer relative to dewatering sludge.  Therefore, three vendors pre-qualified in order to submit a competitive bid for the purchase of their polymer.


Section 30-84 (5) of the Purchasing Code establishes a structured procedure for identifying pre-qualified vendors relative to testing their products to ascertain if the vendor’s products achieved the established outcomes.  After the vendors are pre-qualified based on test results, the City can request competitive bids for the purchase of their products.  The City Commission must approve the pre-qualified vendor list and authorize the solicitation of competitive bids from those pre-qualified vendors.  There is no funding associated with this request.


Recommendation: Business Enterprise Management Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
Memo to City Manager