Resolution appointing six (6) members to the Historic Preservation Board. The membership terms of James Daniels (Mayoral appointment), Roman Yurkiewicz (Zone 2), Andrei Ludu (Zone 4) Dr. Daniel Stotland (Zone 6) and Brian Fredley (Architect) expired on 04/14/18. All five individuals would like to be reappointed. Matthew Romanik (Mayoral Appointment) has resigned. We have received an application from Deborah Wise for a Mayoral Appointment. Ms. Wise meets the qualification criteria for a Certified Local Government (CLG) Historic Preservation Board member. The board shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the City Commission. One member shall be nominated by each City Commission and two members nominated by the Mayor. We have received two additional applications but they do not meet the CLG requirements for membership to this board.
Betty Goodman, Assistant City Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Commission action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.