Resolution - PUBLIC HEARING - vacating an unimproved section of the Fairlawn Boulevard right-of-way which is generally located east of Clyde Morris Boulevard and north of Integra Breeze Lane. The section of right-of-way (ROW) is approximately 222 feet long and 60 feet wide. Once vacated, portions of the vacated property are intended to be included in the Clyde Park Office Suites Planned Development.
The City’s Land Development Code (LDC), Section 3.4.AA.4 states:
An application for vacation of a public street right-of-way shall be approved only on a finding there is competent substantial evidence in the record that:
a. The right-of-way is not now, or in the foreseeable future, needed for a public purpose for the city or its inhabitants; and
b. Vacation of the right-of-way is consistent with the comprehensive plan.
The proposed vacation is consistent with the comprehensive plan. TRT staff members saw no foreseeable use for public purpose of this right-of-way.
The applicant has provided letters of no objection to the vacation from TECO (gas), Charter Communications / Spectrum (formerly Bright House), AT&T, Florida Power and Light and Volusia County. The City's Technical Review Team (TRT) offer no objection to vacating the right-of-way. There is no City funding associated with this development.
David Waller, Deputy Public Works Director, to report.
Recommendation: Planning Board recommends approval 5-0.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolution.