Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:

Development and Administrative Services, Planning Division - Eagle Marsh/Gray Hawk - Second Amendment to Renar Golf Communities at LPGA International Planned District Agreement  (pp. 608-636) 

Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Ordinance on second reading - Quasi-Judicial Hearing - amending the Renar Golf Communities at LPGA International Planned District Agreement to add the maximum lot coverage of 47 percent for lots located in Eagle Marsh and Gray Hawk, Unit 2 Subdivisions, and authorizing the Mayor to execute the Second Amendment to Renar Golf Communities at LPGA International Planned District Agreement.  Applicant: Jim Butler, with Eagle Marsh Homes on behalf of Renar Golf Communities at LPGA International Homeowners' Association, Inc.


Richard Walton, Planning Director, to report.


Recommendation:  Planning Board recommends approval 6-to-0.

Action:  Motion to adopt the Ordinance.

Agenda Summary
Memo to City Manager
Summary of Board Action
Planning Board Exhibit
Planning Board Minutes
Second Amendment to Renar Golf Communities at LPGA Internationa - Planned Master Development Agreement