1. Presentation by Jason Jefferies, Redevelopment Project Manager. Discussion on the proposed millage rate of 1.0000 and proposed budget.
2. PUBLIC HEARING - Members of the general public may speak and ask questions on the proposed millage rate and the FY 2017/18 budget.
3. Resolution of the Daytona Beach Downtown Development Authority adopting an ad valorum property tax millage rate of 1.0000 ($1.0000 per $1,000 of assessed taxable value). This is the rate utilized in the Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and is a 9.29% tax increase from the rolled back rate of 0.9150.
4. Resolution adopting the Budget for the fiscal year October 1, 2017, to September 30, 2018; prescribing estimated Revenue Sources of $246,599 and setting forth Operating Expenditures, Capital Expenditures, and Transfers of $246,599.
Jason Jeffries, Redevelopment Project Manager, to report.
Recommendation: Authority Chairman recommends action.
Action: Motion to adopt the Resolutions.