Resolution awarding a Utility Billing Printing and Mailing Services Contract to Northeast II, Inc. d/b/a TC Delivers, 8879 Boggy Creek Road, Orlando, FL 32824. An RFP for utility bill printing and mailing services was issued June 21, 2017. The City received seven (7) proposals; the selection committee evaluated the proposals and recommended TC Delivers as the best for the City. The price per utility bill is $0.08933. Based on an estimated 364,000 bills processed annually, the approximate one year cost is $32,517. Services include printing of utility bills, inserting into envelopes, sorting by delivery address to take advantage of the lowest postage cost, and delivering to the United States Postal Service. The cost to insert additional flyers in same utility bill envelope is $2.50 per 1,000. The contract is for a three (3) year period with one (1) optional one-year renewal, which can be authorized by the City Manager. Contract to begin October 2017. Funds available in the Water and Sewer Fund.
Recommendation: Chief Financial Officer recommends adoption of the Resolution.