Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:

Utilities Department - Bennett Swamp Aquifer Recharge Project - Change Order No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 9 – Contract 6235-CH.

(pp. 232-278)

Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving Change Order No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 9 to Contract No. 6235-CH with CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc., 225 E. Robinson St., Suite 505, Orlando, FL 32801-4321 in an amount not to exceed $54,560.56Work Authorization No. 9 was approved by Resolution 16-198, and it approved a scope of services to CH2M HILL for engineering services for Bennett Swamp.   The scope of services in the amount of $561,017.62 included a feasibility study, permitting, design, bidding and construction phase services.  CH2M HILL budgeted sufficient funds to obtain all known relevant permits, however the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) required a major modification to the Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit.  The FDEP insisted on a major modification because they determined that the reuse discharge to be a secondary outfall.  This resulted in the permit having to be issued at the national level by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rather than at the state level by the (FDEP).   CH2M HILL was able to assist the city to obtain the required NPDES permit and a flowage easement while maintaining the compressed timeframe to bid, start construction and complete the Bennett Swamp Project by March 31, 2018. Funds available in the Renewal & Replacement 8% Fund.


Recommendation:  Business Enterprise Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
Memo to City Manager
Change Order No. 1 to Work Authorization No. 9
Resolution 16-198
Work Authorization No. 9
Resolution 17-71
Amended Easement
Public Notices
Sufficiency of Funds