Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:
Public Works, Technical Services Division - LTG, Inc - Campbell Middle School and Turie T. Small Elementary - School Safe Routes to School Grant Application  (pp. 27-38)
Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving the proposal in the amount of $34,450 from LTG, Inc. (fka Lassiter Transportation Group), 1450 W Granada Blvd, Suite 2, Ormond Beach, FL 32174, for preparation of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) needs assessment report/grant application for the City’s submission. Recently the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) invited city and county representatives to a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) funding program meeting. The FDOT will be issuing a Call for SRTS Projects on September 1st through December 29th for Local Agencies to submit their needs assessment/applications.   


The SRTS Grant Application is an extensive process that essentially requires a Mini-area study/assessment of the pedestrian facility improvements needed to get school children to and from school safely.  However the benefit will be great as the design, CEI, and construction funds are all 100% reimbursable with the awarded grant.  LTG, Inc. has submitted their Scope and Fee Proposal to assist the City with preparing the application including required assessment studies for each school. The study/needs assessment shall include at a minimum identifying safety concerns for children walking and biking to and from school, a conceptual plan of the suggested safety improvements, developing cost estimates for the safety improvements, and coordination between the schools, the City and County departments.  Funds available in the Capital Projects Fund.


Recommendation:  Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
City Manager Memo