Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:

Public Works, Technical Services Division - Zev Cohen and Associates, Inc., - The Derbyshire Park Multi-Use Promenade Trail - Work Authorization No. 31  (pp. 249-267)

Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving Continuing Services Work Authorization No. 31 (Contract No. 2006-21-ZC, Res No. R08-258) with Zev Cohen & Associates, Inc., 300 Interchange Boulevard, Suite C, Ormond Beach, FL 32174, in the amount of $85,337.84 for the designing of the Derbyshire Park Multi-Use Promenade Trail Project.  The Project consists of a 14 foot wide concrete trail inside of Derbyshire Park that will span between the existing sidewalk along Derbyshire Road and the existing sidewalk in front of the Yvonne Scarlet Golden Center.  This project is necessary due to the growth in area surrounding Derbyshire Park and Yvonne Scarlet Golden Center.  This is an Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Local Agency Program (LAP) Project which will provide reimbursement for the construction costs.  The design costs will not be covered by the LAP Agreement but will count towards our City Matching Funds.  Funds available in the Rec/Parks/Cultural Impact Fees Fund.


Recommendation:  Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.

Agenda Summary
City Manager Memo
Sufficiency of Funds