Resolution approving Continuing Services Work Authorization No. 32 (Contract No. 2006-21-ZC, Res No. R08-258) for Zev Cohen & Associates, Inc., 300 Interchange Boulevard, Suite C, Ormond Beach, Florida 32174 in the amount of $79,329.40, for the designing of the Derbyshire Park Neighborhood Sidewalks Project – Phase 1. The Derbyshire Park Neighborhood Sidewalks Project consists of 6 foot wide concrete sidewalks on the west side of Vine Street (from Brentwood Drive to 4th Street), and on the north side of 3rd Street (from Vine Street to Nova Road), connecting to Derbyshire Park. This project will also include stormwater drainage improvements, pedestrian safety enhancements, and Historical and Cultural Resource Assessments. This is an Florida Department Of Transportation (FDOT) Local Agency Program (LAP) Agreement Project which will provide reimbursement for the construction costs. The design costs will not be covered by the LAP Agreement but will count towards our City Matching Funds. Funds available in the Stormwater Improvement Construction Fund.
Recommendation: Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption of the Resolution.