Item Coversheet

Request for City Commission Action Page

Heading as displayed on the Agenda:

Public Works - Florida Department of Transportation - Landscape and Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement  (pp. 240-246)

Item as displayed on the Agenda:

Resolution approving a Maintenance Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for new landscaping along a portion of East International Speedway Boulevard (ISB) between South Peninsula Drive and Grandview Avenue.  The City desires to provide and install landscape amenities along a portion of East ISB to provide an aesthetic benefit to the roadway corridor for both residents and those visiting the City.  The landscaping will provide an attractive corridor amenity that will help encourage economic growth along the roadway corridor. 


     Recommendation:  Deputy Public Works Director recommends adoption

     of the Resolution. 

Agenda Summary
Memo to the City Manager
ISB Planting plan